Friday, October 23, 2009


After many prior attempts, I’m back on a diet. No! Wait! It’s not a diet…it’s a lifestyle with healthy eating habits. Call it what you will-diet, lifestyle choice, healthy eating habits- I’ve porked up once again and I decided to do something about it.

Why have I porked up? Is it because I’m a pig? Okay, sometimes, maybe I am. But when you’re dieting you realize that a mostly it is about money and time constraints.

I work five days a week and go to school three nights. Add into that the dog training I just started and Penguins games and my schedule is packed. I’ve even sold Penguin tickets because I’ve been so busy. Whodathunkthat? I know I’m not the only one out there and many others have an even more hectic schedule than I do. In all the craziness of work, school, homework, studying, laundry, dishes, and hockey how do you find time to grocery shop, cook, and exercise?

The grocery shopping dilemma is one I’ve easily solved. I do it on Sundays while the Steelers are playing because I’m pretty sure I’m the only person in the whole tri-state area NOT watching the game. The stores are empty other than wives and girlfriends who didn’t plan the party food well enough and were forced to go out and get provisions.

Now exercising is another story. What to do about exercising?

Wednesdays are a no brainer. I have dog training that night and if working with a 4 month old German Shepherd puppy for two hours doesn’t count as exercise, I don’t know what does. GSD training is not like the normal, “Sit. Sit. Good dog! Here’s a treatie weatie for you!!!” kind of training that most people do with their dogs. It’s almost constant heeling; faster, faster, slow, slow, about turn, halt, start, faster, faster, slow, about turn etc. Leave your dog on a stay command and run in the other direction while you pray that she stays there. If not you run back, put them back in place and try it again. I’ve had one of those sessions where you gotta do it like twenty times before the dog stays. When you finally do get far enough away and your dog stays, you call the dog on a recall and pray that IF they come then they don’t knock you on your ass when they get to you. It may not be the most intense cardio in the world, but it is good exercise for you and the dog.

I did manage to get in two other days of walking this week; Sunday prior to grocery shopping, and again on Tuesday night. The problem? Mingo Park right next door to me now closes at 5 o’clock due to the season changing. This is major suckage. Most people who work don’t get home until after five. Possible solution? Go to my local high school. Problem with that? They don’t allow pets. I don’t just mean on the walking track. There are no pets allowed at all on the grounds anymore. I’m sure there is a good reason and something must have happened but it still pisses me off. Sure I could still go, but considering I have two German Shepherds that need exercised and I’m trying to squeeze it all together, the high school is not a solution. My only alternatives are to either walk at night in downtown Mon City which is now home to some pretty creepy looking individuals, or drive to South Park which is about a fifteen minute drive. I’m leaning towards South Park right now. Even if it takes longer I think I’ll try that this Tuesday. If anyone knows of any other alternatives in the area, please lemme know.

Gyms are too expensive and when you’re still in fat mode you don’t want other people to see you huffing and puffing while you try to keep up. Gyms are not for fat people.

Last night my entire health class went to our campus fitness center for an hour as part of the class. It was fun, it’s free to all students and I did enjoy it, but yet again!!! They normally close at 6 o’clock. More suckage.

Tomorrow is the big weigh in. We’ll see if this attempt to exercise and be more active pays off on the scale. If not, I’ll try not to let it discourage me because in spite of the fact that I’m trying to squeeze even more into an already busy day, I’ve had more energy this week, gotten better sleep, am more focused and just all around feel better. Maybe there’s something to this health thing…..

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